Episode Title:The Children's Echelon.Episode Description:Inaho and his friends find themselves holed up in their high school with orders to distract Trillram while Marito comes up with a plan to evacuate his students and the civilians. Unsatisfied with being just be a distraction, Inaho comes up with a plan to fight back against Trillram and his seemingly impervious machine. The unknown girl and Rayet, both feeling some personal responsibility for the situation, volunteer to drive the decoy truck, and the team begins their operation. Meanwhile, Marito, backed by Captain Magbaredge, rallies his crew and rescues the civilians from Inaho's group while Inaho, Calm, and Inko engage Trillram; Inaho exploits Nilokeras' inability to see without the use of UAVs to bait Trillram towards a bridge over open water. When Trillram finally catches the decoy truck, the unknown girl reveals her true identity as Princess Asseylum, distracting him just long enough for Inaho to push Nilokeras off the bridge and strike its weak spot, finishing it off. While Inaho and his comrades regroup and celebrate, Slaine and Trillram prepare to escape. Trillram reveals that the assassination of the Princess was a Martian plot all along, and that he must rearm and eliminate her as quickly as possible. In response, a shocked and enraged Slaine pulls out Trillram's pistol and shoots him multiple times, killing him.